Please read this section carefully. ICCC takes the health of all our children very seriously and we strictly enforce these policies and procedures.
We have special COVID-19 policy and procedures for periods when emergency government measures are imposed.Families are asked to read and follow the measures strictly.
1. Before the start of each school year in September all children should present the following medical records:
- ‘Zdravno profilactichna karta’ from your GP or pediatrician with all vaccination records. Vaccination records are provided separately if they are not listed in detail in the ZPK statement.
- Note from GP or pediatrician for lack of contact with infected persons
For new children only:
- The above and lab tests for starting school (details are described in the Welocme Letter for new children)
ICCC has a qualified medical nurse in charge of medical records, health measures and procedures. The school nurse performs regular general health checks.
2. Sickness Protocol:
2.1. А child with fever above 37.3C or flu like symptoms will not be admitted to school. We will be on the alert for signs of illness such as runny nose, flushed cheeks, coughing, rapid or difficulty breathing, fatigue, extreme fussiness, stomach pain or diarrhea/vomiting, skin rash of unknown origin. If a child appears to be unwell or sick when dropped off, a member of staff can request that the child is seen by a doctor before attending school for the day.
2.2. If a child becomes unwell during school hours, we will call parents immediately to ask for the child to be picked up from school. The child will be isolated in an area specially designated for that purpose and the school nurse or a member of staff will wait with them.
2.3. Parents are requested to phone/email the school between 8:30am and 9:30am if a child is unwell and/or will be staying away from school, especially if an infectious disease is suspected.
2.4. Please safeguard your child and others by keeping him/her home if they exhibit signs of illness. Children MUST be kept home for the following reasons:
- Runny nose is often a symptom of viral or bacteria infection. In this case we recommend either a visit to your doctor, or keeping the child at home for 3 days to see if other symptoms like temperature or coughing will appear. If there is think yellow/green mucus the child should be tested for bacteria and treated, if necessary. This measure helps to keep other kids in the class safe.
- A fever within the last 24 hours. Please keep children home for a minimum of 24 hours following a return to normal temperature.
- Vomiting the day before or in the morning before coming to ICCC.
- A rash of unknown origin.
- Flu symptoms, extreme runny nose, coughing with a temperature, sore throat.
- Diarrhea.
- Extreme tiredness or irritability of an unexplained nature.
- Children with a strep infection should be kept home and return with the doctor’s permission (certified with a note).
- Children having communicable diseases may not return to ICCC until their doctor gives them permission.
- Children contracting chicken pox are contagious a few days before the actual lesions erupt. Children are contagious as long as the lesions are forming and are open. They are no longer considered contagious when there are no new lesions and all the old lesions are crusted and dry. Children may return to ICCC after this period and present a certificate from their doctor that they can return to school.
- Children with scarlet fever should return to school after permission from the doctor and a negative strep A test result. They should present a doctor’s certificate upon their return.
- Children having head lice should be kept away from school until they have been treated to eradicate the problem. If a teacher finds head lice, ICCC will send the child home. We will also check all other children and inform parents via email.
3. Accidents
Although staff members are constantly monitoring children and doing their best to prevent accidents, injuries can happen. We have a protocol in place which involves documenting injuries and notifying parents.
In the event of illness or serious injury at ICCC, staff will:
- Contact the parent(s) who will collect the child as quickly as possible.
- Decide whether to summon medical assistance (some staff have been trained in CPR and we have emergency numbers for local hospitals).
4. Medication
ICCC staff are prohibited by law to give medication to children.
5. Absence for family reasons
If a child will be absent for family reasons parents are asked to send a note/email prior to the absence.