24 June – 19 July 2024
5 – 30 August 2024
Summer fun at ICCC begins after the official end of the school year. This is the time to be outdoors, to play and create in our open air classrooms, hike and explore the woods around school, ride on horse back and get wet on water days.
In the summer program we explore topics that offer fun and excitement. We ‘travel’ to interesting places around the world, learn about pirates and treasures, explore sand and water.
For the first time in 2024, for part of the summer program we will offer Literacy (English and Bulgarian) and Math classes for the continuing Cheeky Chickens and Clever Kittens. This will be a chance to continue to practiice and learn, using both the classroom setting and the rich nature resouces around school.
A typical week in the Summer Program:
Monday – construction day: we build with large and small blocks, lego, outdoor structures like dens and shelters. We explore geometric designs and balances.
Tuesday – sport day; we start the day with fun gymnastics and continue with obstacle courses, football and other physical activities
Wednesday – water fun day; we set up small pools and bring out the beach towels; we play wth sprinklers and water tools, paint with water, etc.
Thursday – morning hike in the forest; long hike with picnic and horse back riding for the older children
Friday – cooking and art activities day
More features in the program:
Membership in the Summer program is limited and open for current students at ICCC or new children enrolled from September 2024. Siblings up to 6 years old incl. are admitted depending on availability of spaces. We can accept children on temporary membership for the summer program depending on space availability.
Summer membership 2024 (full time/ part time):
Full program (8 weeks): 2500BGN full days / 1700 BGN part time (mornings).
Weekly rate: 335 BGN full time/ 225 BGN part time (mornings).
Catered food can be provided upon request at 8.6 BGN per day.
Minimum period of enrolment – 1 week.