Useful Information


  • Each child should have a small bag containing a complete set of clothing labeled with their name,  including underpants and socks. All extra clothes are stored in each child’s cubby in the foyer for easy access.
  • Indoor shoes are required for all children; these could be slippers or some other form of comfortable footwear and should be left at ICCC each day.
  • Parents should provide comfortable clothes and shoes for outside play and activities – especially running, jumping and climbing (no flip flops or slippery shoes).
  • For children still in diapers parents should provide a sufficient supply of diapers and wipes each week.
  • During colder months, children should have appropriate outdoor clothing, including warm and waterproof shoes/boots, jackets and pants. Hats and mittens/gloves are essential during winter.
  • All clothes, shoes, bags, etc. kept at school should have the name of the child written on the inside label with permanent marker. This will help us keep track of belongings.

Snack / Lunch

Each day, ICCC offers a healthy mid-morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack provided by a local licenced caterer. The cost of the catered food is covered by families (currently 8.6 BGN per day). If your child has or develops any food allergies please inform the staff immediately.        

For morning snack we provide a choice of at least three seasonal fruits. The lunch includes a healthy salad, soup and main course – check our weekly menu. Parents can send snacks and lunch each day if their child has special dietary requirements.


Parents should inform ICCC of any planned absence in advance. For unplanned absences or illness, please inform the office by telephone or email as early as you can.

Caregivers and others

We understand children may have caregivers other than their parents. If your child will be dropped off or picked up by another caregiver, please introduce this person to the office and add their name to your child’s file.

If your child is being picked up by another parent please inform the class teacher through the appropriate channels.

Toys from home

We ask children not to bring toys and similar belongings to schoolThey are often the cause of arguments and fights as . Most children are not prepared to share their toy, or are distracted throughout the day, or toys may get lost or broken. This is why when toys are brought to school we will ask children to leave them in a special place outside the classroom.

Each last Friday is toy sharing day and children are welcome to bring a toy, game or another belonging that is special to them, to share during circle time and tell their friends why they like it.

Celebrating birthdays

We are happy to celebrate each child’s birthday at ICCC. Parents are welcome to bring cupcakes or birthday cake to share with their child’s group at snack time (please ask the shop to provide the certificate, required by the health authorities). 

We request that parents do not provide additional candy/sweets or gift bags on the occasion of their child’s birthday to avoid eating unhealthy food at school. Instead, the birthday child can donate a book to the school library to mark their birthday if they wish, with a suitable inscription inside. We do not allow outside entertainment (clowns, puppets, etc.) for birthdays. We organize a birthday celebration during class time when we sing songs, dance, and play games.

Outings and field trips

ICCC organizes outings and field trips to enrich children’s learning. Parents may be asked to volunteer as additional supervisors of such trips. Prior to any outings, we will ask you to complete and sign a permission slip.

Sample outings include theatre, museum, fire brigade, dentist clinic, bakery, zoo, horse or animal farm.

Feedback on Progress and Reports

At ICCC parents learn about the child’s day or week at school from their daily exchange with the class teachers and from activity posts in the school communication application Kinderpedia. We love when parents share stories from home about their child’s learning and behavior. Feedback from home helps us know the child better and take into account their needs and interests in our planning.

On a more formal note, teachers prepare detailed progress reports for each child twice a year – in February and in June. The reports get sent to parents via Kinderpedia. We hold one-to-one parent teacher conferences mid-year to discuss with parents each child’s progress in all development areas. 

Special meetings with the family and teachers, or the school director, can be organized as needed. We encourage parents to bring up issues of concern or questions directly with the teachers. If unresolved, issues can be addressed to the Director and/or a Board representative. Our staff will be happy to help and will address any issues in an open and constructive manner. 

Communication and Parent Involvement

Good communication and mutual respect and trust are vital to the functioning of ICCC, and to the well-being of our children. Parents are invited to communicate directly with teachers and the director to discuss any ideas, concerns or problems. 

To keep parents informed, we use email and Viber groups, as well as special learning applications.

Teachers share stories about children’s school life and learning through Kinderpedia, an easy-to-use and secure online learning journal.  We use the same tool for development tracking and reporting children’s progress. Also, we strongly encourage the day-to-day exchange between parents and teachers at drop off or pick up.

Special events are another way we keep parents involved and build a strong parent community. Such events are the Welcome back BBQ each September, the Winter Holiday Party in December, and the Learning Celebration Day in June. We organize coffee mornings, social evenings and parent project days throughout the school year. 

Finally, parents are highly encouraged to participate in their child’s learning activities. Whether it is to read a story, or introduce the group to a national holiday from the child’s home country, do a workshop with children, or talk about their job, parents are welcome to be part of children’s school day and learning.

Daily Routine

8.00 am: arrival, play and small group activities

9.30 am: circle time and IEYC group activities

10.00 am: morning snack

10.30 am: IEYC/music/math/Jolly Phonic sessions (Cheeky Chickens and Clever Kittens)

11.30 am: physical education and outdoor play

12.00 am: LUNCH (see our SNACKS AND LUNCH MENU for the week)

1.00 pm: afternoon nap (Little Ladybirds and Busy Bees);

Or Relaxing time, music, dance/karate, art, science classes (Cheeky Chickens, Clever Kittens)

3.00 pm: afternoon snack

3.30 pm: IEYC activities; closing circle;

4.00 pm: free play indoors or outdoors in mixed groups and pick up time

6.00 pm: school closes

Children should arrive by 9:20 am in time for Circle and other activities.

Children arriving after 9:30 am may disturb activities and will miss important learning opportunities. We ask parents to avoid late arrival.

Children on half day schedule should be picked up by 12:30 pm after lunch.

Children staying the full day must be picked up before 6:00 pm. 

Read in our policies section more about the daily routines, parent involvement, health related and other important policies (www://

Lunch menu (

Visit our FAQ page for more information.

PARENTING BASICS – Power Struggles or Coorepation

Shifting from power struggles to increased cooperation

Children on playground

Few parents have a natural talent for parenting and always seem to know how to strike the right balance between boundaries and freedom for their toddler or preschooler. At our pre-school we often meet with parents who want to give their best in the relationship with their child. But instead, their toddler’s behavior at home leaves them exhausted and disheartened.

Here are a few tips about  traps parents should avoid. The advice is from our experience with many children and families at ICCC, and from practitioner Claire Lerner, a licensed clinical social worker and child development specialist.


We found really helpful and enlightening the advice practitioner Claire Lerner gives parents.

Each child comes with their unique temperament, there is no question about that. But children are one side in the relationship, the side that can’t take responsibility for their actions. Parents are the side that can take control, and if something doesn’t sound right the first thing to get examined, according to Claire Lerner, is parents’ expectations.

Cheeky Chickens

Throughout the COVID-19 closure the Cheeky Chickens have been busy acquiring new knowledge and skills at home, with the help of their parents. Their teachers are sending each day activities and videos for home learning to cover their current topic Plants and Flowers, math, Jolly Phonics, science, music.

Some of these videos are organized below. The rest you can find in the Science and Music resource pages .

Food and Nutrition

Math Lessons

Jolly Phonics

IEYC Unit Plants and Flowers

Big Busy Bees

Throughout the COVID-19 closure the Big Busy Bees have been busy learning with the help of their parents. Their teachers are sending each day activities and videos for home learning. Our IEYC unit “Once Upon a Time” helps children become better communicators and learn fascinating things about nature and animals by studying four classic tales.

Learning happens all the time at school – when children play together or by themselves, and when they get involved in activities prepared by the teachers.

You can also check out the Science and Music resource pages for more videos

IEYC Unit: The Brilliant Bug Ball

Easter Crafts

Once Upon a Time: The Gingerbread Man

Once Upon a Time: The Turtle and the Hare

Math: shapes, colors, counting

Once Upon a Time: The Three Billy Goat Gruffs

Once Upon a Time: The Enormous Turnip

The Big Turnip Song, Miss Nadya

Little Ladybirds videos

IEYC Unit: Little Movers Make Giant Strides

SROTY TIME with Miss Dani

Playful Puppies story, read aloud by Miss Dani

Peppa Pig Goes To the Zoo, read aloud by Miss Dani

Easter egg prints craft, Miss Sisi

Science – Weather Introduction, with Mr Yavor

Science – Weather 1, with Mr Yavor

Music for LLB and BBB, Miss Nadya

Music for LLB and BBB, with Miss Nadya

Privacy and GDPR



Сдружение Международен Детски Център Криейтивити (“ICCC”)



International Children’s Creativity Center (“ICCC”)

ICCC е администратор на Вашите лични данни, които получава от Вас във връзка с (i) осъществяването на целите на ICCC и услугите по полу- и целодневна грижа за деца на възраст от 2-6 години, както и (ii) използването на интернет страницата ни – (“Сайта“).

Тъй като се отнасяме отговорно към Вашите лични данни и в съответствие със законовите разпоредби, бихме искали да Ви (“Вие“/”Вас“/”Ваш/и“) информираме за какво ги използваме, как ги обработваме, кой има достъп до тях и т.н..

ICCC is the data controller of your personal data that it receives in connection with (i) the implementation of the purposes of ICCC for half and full day care services for children aged 2-6 years, and (ii) the use of our website – (the “Site“).

Since we treat your personal data responsibly and in compliance with the legal provisions, we would like to inform you (“You“/”Your/s“) about the purposes for we use such data, how we process the data, who has access to it etc.

Кандидатстване за приемAdmission Application

Във връзка с желанието Ви Вие и Вашето/Вашите дете/деца да станете част от общността на ICCC, Вие попълвате формуляр за кандидатстване, достъпен на Сайта. Информацията (като Вашите и на детето/децата имена, националност, дата на раждане, телефони и имейл за контакт, познания по английски в семейството), която изискваме от Вас ни е необходима за да: (i) поддържаме комуникация с Вас, (ii) преценим към коя възрастова група може да се присъедини/нят детето/децата Ви, (iii) поддържаме квотата от чужденци в общността, съобразно нашата политика, както и за да (iv)  преценим нивото на английски на Вашето/Вашите дете/деца.

Така описаните лични данни се използват и пазят от нас при постъпването Ви като член на ICCC и приемане на Вашето/Вашите дете/деца при нас и се обработват, докато Вие и детето/децата е/са част от нашата общност, но не повече от 5 години след този срок, с цел да защитим всички наши правни интереси.

Ако не можем да Ви предложим членство или Вие се откажете в последствие от кандидатстване и/или по някаква друга причина контактите с ICCC се преустановят на ниво кандидатстване, то ние пазим Вашите лични данни не повече от 12 месеца след този срок, с оглед на евентуалното Ви бъдещо членство, след което ги изтриваме/унищожаваме в най-бързи срокове.

In connection with Your desire You and Your child/children to become part of the ICCC community You fulfill and application form, which You can find on our Site. The information (such as Your names and the names of Your child/children, nationality, date of birth, phone numbers and e-mail, as well as knowledge of English in the family) which we require from You is needed in order to: (i) keep in touch with You, (ii) estimate which age group Your child/children can join, (iii) maintain the quota of foreigners in the community, according to our policy, as well as to (iv) estimate the level of English knowledge of Your child/children.

The personal data described above is used and maintained by us upon Your entry as a member of the ICCC and the acceptance of Your child/children, and is being processed while You and the child/children is/are part of our community but no more than 5 years after this deadline, in order to protect all our legal interests.

If we cannot offer You а membership or You subsequently opt out of application and/or for some other reason the contacts with ICCC are suspended at application level, we keep Your personal data for no more than 12 months after this period, in view of Your possible future membership. After that we delete/destroy such data in the shortest time possible.

Информация за родители и деца при постъпване в ICCCInformation about Parents and Children when Entering ICCC

При прием на родител и съответно дете/деца в общността на ICCC, освен гореописаните данни, изискваме от Вас и данни за здравословното състояние на детето/децата (като алергии или други сериозни заболявания, които могат да се проявят при престоя на детето в ICCC), имунизационни данни и изследвания (съобразно изискванията на българското законодателство).

Също така правим снимки на децата от общността за различни цели (изпращане на информация за дейностите и заниманията на децата в детската градина, отразяване на събития и други).

Личните данни от тази категория се пазят до постигане на целите за обработка, което обикновено означава докато детето/децата е/са част от нашата общност и не повече от 5 години след това. По отношение на снимките – те се изтриват също и веднага след оттеглено от Вас съгласие за обработка, както е описано тук по-долу.

When accepting a parent and child/children in the ICCC community, besides the above data, we also require You to present certain health status data about the child/children (such as allergies or other serious illnesses that may occur during your stay at the ICCC premises), immunization data and tests (according to the requirements of the Bulgarian legislation).

We also take pictures of children from the community for different purposes (keeping parents informed about the daily activities and learning of children at school and outings, coverage of events, etc.).

Personal data in this category is kept until the purposes for the processing are met, which usually means while the child/children is/are part of our community and no more than 5 years thereafter. Pictures are deleted after You have withdrawn Your consent for processing, as described hereunder.

Посещение на Сайта ниSite Browsing

Хостинг услугите за нашия Сайт се осъществяват от СуперХостинг.БГ ООД, които са наш обработващ данните в този случай. Те имат достъп до Вашите данни въз основа на договор за обработка на данни, надлежно сключен с нас. Това гарантира, че Вашите данни се обработват и третират от тях със същата отговорност и грижа, каквито полагаме ние за тези данни.

Сайтът ни използва логове свързани със сигурност, техническа поддръжка, развитие, сървърни логове и др. Една част от тях могат да съдържат информация като IP адрес, URL, браузър, устройство. Във всички случаи такава информация се съхранява по начин, който да затруднява Вашето идентифициране.

Имайте предвид, че нашия Сайт може да съдържа връзки към други интернет страници. Ние нямаме контрол върху тези други интернет страници и поради това не носим отговорност за защитата и поверителността на каквато и да е информация, която предоставяте, докато ги посещавате.

Данни от Сайта ни се пазят за период от максимум 50 дни и после автоматично се изтриват.

Facebook, Instagram

Можете да ни намерите и във Facebook и Instagram. Ние не получаваме никаква информация за съдържанието на предаваните данни, както и за тяхното използване от Facebook и Instagram. За повече информация вижте политиката за лични данни на Facebook/.

Hosting services for our Site are provided by SuperHosting.BG OOD, which are our data processors in this case. They have access to Your data based on a data processing contract duly signed with us. This ensures that Your data is processed and treated with the same responsibility and care as we apply for that data.

Our Site uses logs related to security, technical support, development, server logs, and more. Some of them may contain information such as IP address, URL, browser, device. In any case, such information is stored in a way that makes it difficult for You to be identified.

Please note that our Site may contain links to other websites. We have no control over these other websites and therefore we are not responsible for the protection and confidentiality of any information You provide while You are visiting them.

Data from the Site is kept for a maximum of 50 days and then automatically deleted.

Facebook, Instagram

You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram. We do not receive any information about the content of the transmitted data, as well as about its use by Facebook and Instagram. For more information, see the Facebook privacy policy.



При кандидатстване за прием обработваме Вашите данни на основание нашия легитимен интерес да станете наши членове.

При прием и осъществяване на нашите услуги ние обработваме Вашите лични данни въз основа на договорните ни отношения с Вас, обективирани чрез заплащането на определените от нас членски вноски и подписването на съгласие с условията на услугите, които членството в сдружението предоставя. Здравна информация за децата изискваме от Вас на законово основание.

При използването и публикуването на снимки на Вашето/Вашите дете/деца ние обработваме тези лични данни единствено и само ако сте дали своето изрично съгласие за подобна обработка, чрез подписването на нарочна декларация за съгласие, в съответствие с действащото европейско и национално законодателство. Такава обработка се извършва само и докато това съгласие е валидно и не е оттеглено от Вас.

При използването на Сайта обработваме данните Ви на основание нашия легитимен интерес да получим Вашата лична информация, автоматично събрана от използването на Сайта. В противен случай е възможно да не успеете да използвате (всички функционалности на) Сайта, а ние да не можем да Ви предложим активна и качествена информация през него.

When applying for admission, we process Your data on the basis of our legitimate interest You to become our member/s.

For Your acceptance and for performing our services, we process Your personal data on the basis of our contractual relations with You, objectified through the payment of our membership fees and the signing of the agreement with the terms and conditions of the services that the membership of the association provides. We require health information for the children based on legal requirements.

When using and publishing photos of Your child/children, we process such personal data only if You have provided Your explicit consent to such processing by signing a specific declaration of consent in accordance with applicable European and national legislation. Such processing takes place only while this consent is valid and not withdrawn by You.

When browsing on our Site, we process Your data on the basis of our legitimate interest in receiving Your personal information automatically collected from the use of the Site. Otherwise, You may not be able to use (all the functionalities of) the Site, and we may not be able to offer You active and qualitative information through it.


Ние не даваме достъп и не прехвърляме Вашите данни на трети лица, с изключение на тези наши партньори, които ни съдействат технически да осъществяваме връзка с Вас и да Ви предоставяме нашите услуги (като например СуперХостинг.Бг ООД, Google Аналитики).

Ако е законосъобразно и съгласно нашия легитимен интерес е възможно да предоставим Ваши данни и на нашите правни, ИТ или други консултанти за конкретен случай, за определено време, необходимо за осъществяване на консултацията и само ако действително е необходимо.

We do not give access to and transfer Your data to third parties, except for the partners of ours, who assist us technically in contacting You and providing You with our services (such as SuperHosting.Bg OOD, Google Analytics).

If it is legitimate and in our legitimate interest, it is possible to provide Your data to our legal, IT or other consultants for a specific case for the time necessary to carry out the consultation and only if it is actually necessary.


ICCC не прехвърля Ваши данни извън рамките на ЕС и/или Европейското икономическо пространство. Сървърите на нашия Сайт се намират на територията на България.

По отношение на Google Аналитики, които е възможно да съхраняват (макар частични и/или без да може данните да Ви идентифицират) Ваши данни на територията на трети държави (например САЩ) ние сме запознати с техните политики за защита на личните данни и начините, по които те осигуряват пропорционалните и необходими технически и организационни мерки в тази връзка. Повече информация можете да откриете тук –

ICCC does not transfer Your data beyond the EU and/or the EEA. The servers of our Site are located on the territory of Bulgaria.

With respect to Google Analytics, which may store (though partially and/or non-identifiable) Your data in third countries (for example, the US), we are aware of their privacy policies and the ways they provide the proportionate and necessary technical and organizational measures in this respect. More information can be found here –


“Бисквитките” (cookies) са малки текстови файлове, които се поставят на Вашия компютър от интернет страниците, които посещавате. Те са широко използвани, за да могат тези страници да работят или да работят по-ефективно, както и да предоставят информация на техните собственици. Бисквитките, които се използват от нашия Сайт са необходими, за да можем да осигурим и подобрим нашите услуги и да останем конкурентни. Бисквитките не се споделят с трети страни.

Повечето уеб браузъри позволяват да се контролират бисквитките чрез настройките на браузъра. За да научите повече за “бисквитките”, включително как да видите какви бисквитки са били настроени и как да ги управлявате и изтривате, посетете:

“Бисквитки” на Сайта

За да направим Сайта ни привлекателен за посетителите и да позволим използването на определени функции, ние също използваме “бисквитки” на различни страници. Те ни позволяват да възстановяваме информация за потребителите на Сайта, като ги идентифицират и позволяват проследяване на действията им, интернет страниците, които посещават, хипер-връзките, които използват, информацията, която ползват и записват и други. Повечето от “бисквитките”, които използваме, се изтриват в края на всяка сесия на браузъра. Другите “бисквитки” остават на крайното Ви устройство и ни позволяват да откриваме браузъра Ви следващия път, когато посещавате Сайта (постоянни “бисквитки”). Можете да настроите браузъра си, за да Ви информира, когато “бисквитките” се пазят, за да можете да решите дали да приемате някой “бисквитки” отделно или никога да не приемате “бисквитки”. Трябва да имате предвид обаче, че ако решите да не приемате “бисквитки”, функционалността на Сайта ни може да бъде ограничена.

“Бисквитки” на трети страни

Възможно е нашия Сайт да използва функции от други интернет страници, които могат да оставят “бисквитки”. Това са “бисквитки” на трети страни и не можем да ги блокираме или предотвратим, без да премахнем съответната функция от нашия Сайт. За информация относно тези “бисквитки” ще трябва да проверите страницата на инициатора за неговите правила за “бисквитки”.

Информация за Google Аналитики

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За повече информация вижте тук. Може да се откажете от проследяването чрез Google Аналитики във всички интернет страници на този сайт –

Cookies are small text files that are placed on Your computer from the websites You visit. They are widely used to make these pages work or work more efficiently, and to provide information to their owners. The cookies that are used by our Site are necessary to be able to provide and improve our services and remain competitive. Cookies are not shared with third parties.

Most web browsers allow You to control cookies through browser settings. To learn more about cookies, including how to see what cookies were set up and how to manage and delete cookies, visit:

Site cookies

In order to make our Site attractive to visitors and allow the use of certain features, we also use cookies on different pages. They allow us to restore information to users on the Site by identifying them and allowing them to track their actions, the websites they visit, the hyperlinks they use, the information they use and record, and others. Most of the cookies we use are deleted at the end of each browser session. Other cookies remain on Your final device and allow us to discover Your browser the next time You visit the Site (permanent cookies). You can set up Your browser to let You know when cookies are being saved so You can decide whether to accept cookies separately or never to accept cookies. However, You should keep in mind that if You choose not to accept cookies, the functionality of our Site may be limited.

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Information about Google Analytics

Our Site uses Google Analytics to monitor and use its usage, such as the number of visitors, the search terms used, the pages visited, and the time spent on the Site. Collecting statistics is a prerequisite for providing and improving our services and staying competitive. Cookies collect information in anonymous form and do not identify users or associate Your IP address with personally identifiable information. We use this information to compile reports and help us improve our Site.

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Ние се ангажираме да гарантираме, че информацията, която ни предоставяте е защитена. За да се предотврати неоторизиран достъп или разкриване на информация, ние сме въвели подходящи технически и организационни мерки за защита на информацията, която получаваме чрез нашия Сайт.We are committed to ensure that the information You provide us is protected. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of information, we have put in place appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the information we receive through our Site.

При условията, предвидени в Общия регламент за защита на данните и другите приложими нормативни актове, Вие имате право да поискате от нас информация за, копие, достъп до или изтриване на Вашите лични данни, както и ограничаване на обработването, което се отнася до Вас. Можете да правите възражения срещу обработването на данните. Имате право на информация и коментар относно автоматизираното обработване на Вашите данни, в случаите, в които и ако използваме такова, за което ще бъдете надлежно уведомени.

В случай че не сте успели сами да коригирате данните си, можете също така да поискате от нас да коригираме или премахнем всяка информация, която смятате за неточна.

За което и да е от горепосочените искания, моля, изпратете описание на съответните лични данни на следния имейл адрес:

Може да изискаме допълнителни доказателства за самоличност, за да защитим личните Ви данни от неправомерен достъп.

Ако имате някакви притеснения относно това, как личните Ви данни се обработват от нас или ако искате да подадете оплакване относно начина, по който ги обработваме, можете да се свържете с нас, за да изискате информация – ICCC, адрес: гр. София 1415, кв. Драгалевци, м. Орехите, ул. “акад. Христо Христов” 20, тел. +359 879403679, имейл:

Ако не сте удовлетворени от нашия отговор или смятате, че не обработваме личните Ви данни в съответствие със закона, можете да подадете жалба до Комисията за защита на личните данни (

Under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable regulations, You have the right to ask us for information about, copy, access to or deletion of Your personal data, and to limit the processing that applies to You. You can object to data processing. You have the right to information and comment on the automated processing of Your data, in cases where and if we use one for which You will be duly informed.

If You have not been able to correct Your data yourself, You may also ask us to correct or remove any information You believe is inaccurate.

For any of the above requests, please provide a description of the relevant personal details at the following email address:

We may require additional proof of identity to protect Your personal data from unauthorized access.

If You have any concerns about how Your personal data is being processed by us or if You would like to complain about the way we process it, You can contact us to request information – ICCC, address: Sofia 1415, Dragalevtsi, Orehite, 20 “acad. Hristo Hristov” str., phone: +359 879403679, email:

If You are not satisfied with our response or believe that we are not processing Your personal data in accordance with the law, You may file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Commission (

Тази Политика е последно актуализирана през м. януари 2019 г. Можем да правим изменения в нея, за да спазим приложимите норми за защита на данните. Всяко изменение в Политиката ще се прилага от датата, на която е публикувано на Сайта ни.This Policy was last updated in January 2019. We may make changes to it in order to comply with the applicable data protection rules. Any amendment to the Policy will apply from the date it is published on our Site.


IEYC Personal Goals

Personal Goals

“The Personal Goals underpin those individual qualities and learning dispositions we believe children will find essential in the 21st Century.” – Fieldwork Education

Through our daily life and learning we provide children with opportunities to experience, further develop and reflect on the personal goals. We read books, role play and reflect on children’s behavior, and use real life situations to motivate and encourage children.

There are 8 Personal Goals we work towards:

  • Adaptability – Be ready to change
  • Communication – Give and receive information
  • Cooperation – Learn as a team
  • Enquiry – Find out more
  • Morality – Make responsible choices
  • Resilience – Keep trying when it gets difficult
  • Respect – Think about others
  • Thoughtfulness – Try new ideas

Do you have questions?
Call or visit us.

+359 879 403 677

Address: 20, Akademik Hristo Hristov Str., Dragalevtsi, Sofia 1415

Monday – Friday:
08:00 AM – 06:00 PM

Application Form




    *ATTENDANCE PLAN: 5 full days5 mornings (LLB and BBB only)



    *What language(s) is /are spoken at home?

    *Does your child speak English?

    *Does father speak English?

    *Does mother speak English?

    Have you already visited ICCC?

    If yes, when did you visit? If not, are you able to visit and when?

    Has the child been in a nursery / pre-school before? YesNo

    If yes, please give details below:

    HEALTH: Please indicate any medical concern of which the centre should be aware of (allergies, illness, medication, etc.)

    How did you hear about ICCC?

    ICCC Membership is annual and is paid in full for the school year in attendance (September – June). Attendance in July and August is optional. When a child joins after the start of the school year the fee is calculated proportionally. There is no discount for longer absences for holidays or other reasons.

    ICCC is open 12 months a year between the hours of 8.00a.m. to 18.00p.m.. While all care and attention will be given to safeguard the children during these hours, the Center will not be responsible for any injury caused beyond the control of staff. No responsibility will be taken outside working hours.

    ICCC admits children based on space availability and age. Priority is given to siblings, English native speakers and expat families.


    Copyright © 2022 Sofia’s First English Kindergarten Founded By Expats in 1997. All Rights Reserved