
  • Each child should have a small bag containing a complete set of clothing labeled with their name,  including underpants and socks. All extra clothes are stored in each child’s cubby in the foyer for easy access.
  • Indoor shoes are required for all children; these could be slippers or some other form of comfortable footwear and should be left at ICCC each day.
  • Parents should provide comfortable clothes and shoes for outside play and activities – especially running, jumping and climbing (no flip flops or slippery shoes).
  • For children still in diapers parents should provide a sufficient supply of diapers and wipes each week.
  • During colder months, children should have appropriate outdoor clothing, including warm and waterproof shoes/boots, jackets and pants. Hats and mittens/gloves are essential during winter.
  • All clothes, shoes, bags, etc. kept at school should have the name of the child written on the inside label with permanent marker. This will help us keep track of belongings.

Snack / Lunch

Each day, ICCC offers a healthy mid-morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack provided by a local licenced caterer. The cost of the catered food is covered by families (currently 8.6 BGN per day). If your child has or develops any food allergies please inform the staff immediately.        

For morning snack we provide a choice of at least three seasonal fruits. The lunch includes a healthy salad, soup and main course – check our weekly menu. Parents can send snacks and lunch each day if their child has special dietary requirements.


Parents should inform ICCC of any planned absence in advance. For unplanned absences or illness, please inform the office by telephone or email as early as you can.

Caregivers and others

We understand children may have caregivers other than their parents. If your child will be dropped off or picked up by another caregiver, please introduce this person to the office and add their name to your child’s file.

If your child is being picked up by another parent please inform the class teacher through the appropriate channels.

Toys from home

We ask children not to bring toys and similar belongings to schoolThey are often the cause of arguments and fights as . Most children are not prepared to share their toy, or are distracted throughout the day, or toys may get lost or broken. This is why when toys are brought to school we will ask children to leave them in a special place outside the classroom.

Each last Friday is toy sharing day and children are welcome to bring a toy, game or another belonging that is special to them, to share during circle time and tell their friends why they like it.

Celebrating birthdays

We are happy to celebrate each child’s birthday at ICCC. Parents are welcome to bring cupcakes or birthday cake to share with their child’s group at snack time (please ask the shop to provide the certificate, required by the health authorities). 

We request that parents do not provide additional candy/sweets or gift bags on the occasion of their child’s birthday to avoid eating unhealthy food at school. Instead, the birthday child can donate a book to the school library to mark their birthday if they wish, with a suitable inscription inside. We do not allow outside entertainment (clowns, puppets, etc.) for birthdays. We organize a birthday celebration during class time when we sing songs, dance, and play games.

Outings and field trips

ICCC organizes outings and field trips to enrich children’s learning. Parents may be asked to volunteer as additional supervisors of such trips. Prior to any outings, we will ask you to complete and sign a permission slip.

Sample outings include theatre, museum, fire brigade, dentist clinic, bakery, zoo, horse or animal farm.

Do you have questions?
Call or visit us.

+359 879 403 677

Address: 20, Akademik Hristo Hristov Str., Dragalevtsi, Sofia 1415

Monday – Friday:
08:00 AM – 06:00 PM

Application Form




    *ATTENDANCE PLAN: 5 full days5 mornings (LLB and BBB only)



    *What language(s) is /are spoken at home?

    *Does your child speak English?

    *Does father speak English?

    *Does mother speak English?

    Have you already visited ICCC?

    If yes, when did you visit? If not, are you able to visit and when?

    Has the child been in a nursery / pre-school before? YesNo

    If yes, please give details below:

    HEALTH: Please indicate any medical concern of which the centre should be aware of (allergies, illness, medication, etc.)

    How did you hear about ICCC?

    ICCC Membership is annual and is paid in full for the school year in attendance (September – June). Attendance in July and August is optional. When a child joins after the start of the school year the fee is calculated proportionally. There is no discount for longer absences for holidays or other reasons.

    ICCC is open 12 months a year between the hours of 8.00a.m. to 18.00p.m.. While all care and attention will be given to safeguard the children during these hours, the Center will not be responsible for any injury caused beyond the control of staff. No responsibility will be taken outside working hours.

    ICCC admits children based on space availability and age. Priority is given to siblings, English native speakers and expat families.

    Copyright © 2022 Sofia’s First English Kindergarten Founded By Expats in 1997. All Rights Reserved