Good communication and mutual respect and trust are vital to the functioning of ICCC, and to the well-being of our children. Parents are invited to communicate directly with teachers and the director to discuss any ideas, concerns or problems.
To keep parents informed, we use email and Viber groups, as well as special learning applications.
Teachers share stories about children’s school life and learning through Kinderpedia, an easy-to-use and secure online learning journal. We use the same tool for development tracking and reporting children’s progress. Also, we strongly encourage the day-to-day exchange between parents and teachers at drop off or pick up.
Special events are another way we keep parents involved and build a strong parent community. Such events are the Welcome back BBQ each September, the Winter Holiday Party in December, and the Learning Celebration Day in June. We organize coffee mornings, social evenings and parent project days throughout the school year.
Finally, parents are highly encouraged to participate in their child’s learning activities. Whether it is to read a story, or introduce the group to a national holiday from the child’s home country, do a workshop with children, or talk about their job, parents are welcome to be part of children’s school day and learning.