Throughout the COVID-19 closure the Big Busy Bees have been busy learning with the help of their parents. Their teachers are sending each day activities and videos for home learning. Our IEYC unit “Once Upon a Time” helps children become better communicators and learn fascinating things about nature and animals by studying four classic tales.
Learning happens all the time at school – when children play together or by themselves, and when they get involved in activities prepared by the teachers.
You can also check out the Science and Music resource pages for more videos
IEYC Unit: The Brilliant Bug Ball
Easter Crafts
Once Upon a Time: The Gingerbread Man
Once Upon a Time: The Turtle and the Hare
Math: shapes, colors, counting
Once Upon a Time: The Three Billy Goat Gruffs
Once Upon a Time: The Enormous Turnip
The Big Turnip Song, Miss Nadya